When you pray and things get worse....

Ever prayed and it got worse?   I have..... If I had time to tell you worse, I would but I'm still finishing the worse.... When the story is complete I will tell you.   I know one thing I have learned,  when I got worse, I lost faith, got angry, whined, complained, yelled screamed and it didn't help.  I slowly but surely learned that I cannot blame God for the worse, I cannot keep losing faith, I learned that I had a responsibility. What was that responsibility?  It was to keep my eyes on Jesus, to keep them on the holy spirit and to walk the narrow path.   I learned more about God about in my crisis than I ever did when there was peace.  It's funny when you lose so much, you'll start thanking God for crazy stuff.  In the middle of my crisis, I was thanking God my hair worked right that day.  I was thanking God for the opportunity to work an extra job an hour away.  I was thanking God I could the little extra needs in life.  I opened the fridge and said, " Thank you God for my fish sticks".   You learn quickly to appreciate Him.   When things get worse don't think God has left.   He is there.   Keep praying, look for his messages, look for support and read the Bible.  I know that my suffering will end  and God will restore what was lost as it states in 1 Peter 5:10.  Keep the faith and tell your story.


Masako said…
2 Corinthians 4
...17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes on not what is seen, but on what is not seen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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